CTR KENWORTH DAF CANBERRA Cnr Kendall Avenue & Lorn Road,Queanbeyan, NSW 2620 (02) 6297 3862 judi@canberratrucks.com.au OPENING HOURS Mon to Fri 8:00am to 5:00pm Sat 8:30am to 12:00 Service Declan Gildea Manager (0418) 534 299 declan@canberratrucks.com.au Stuart Shand Supervisor (02) 6297 3862 stuart@canberratrucks.com.au Anthony Hall Supervisor (02) 6297 3862 anthony@canberratrucks.com.au Michael Amey Foreman (0423) 327 816 Parts Stephen Twardochleb Manager (0409) 323 561 steve@canberratrucks.com.au Terry Wright Consultant (02) 6297 3862 terry@canberratrucks.com.au Alex Potroz Consultant (02) 6297 3862 alex@canberratrucks.com.au Administration James Gildea Dealer Principal (0400) 799 442 james@canberratrucks.com.au Judi Shand Manager (02) 6297 3862 judi@canberratrucks.com.au SearchSubmitClearCONTACT USFIND A DEALERLF SERIESLF RangeLF 260LF 290CF SERIESCF RangeXF SERIESSERVICESDealer NetworkPACCAR Driver TrainingPACCAR PartsPACCAR Connect24/7 AssistPACCAR FinancialPacLeaseABOUT DAFDAF WorldwidePACCAR Inc.CareersNEWS AND MEDIADAF NewsDAF StoriesDAF ImagesDAF VideosDAF CommunityDAF OFFERSMERCHANDISE