Ground-breaking Month at PACCAR Australia
On Friday January 25, PACCAR Australia held a ground-breaking ceremony to mark the beginning of the Bayswater plant expansion. The expansion was first announced at the DAF Australian assembly launch in August last year.
The three year project will involve a 1,500 metre factory extension, with upgrades to the paint shop featuring four new paint robots and improved layouts for frame, cab build featuring a 2.1 metre framer, cab trim, engine assembly and final line stations. The final test operation is also being relocated away from the main plant and a new 9,300 metre on-site warehouse will be constructed.
The project will improve efficiency, quality, safety and will reduce plant congestion, while also preparing PACCAR Australia for future growth producing locally made Kenworth and DAF trucks.
Joining us at the ceremony was Craig Membrey from Membrey’s Transport and Crane Hire, Daniel Crawford general manager of Hallam & Bayswater Truck Centres, PACCAR Australia managing director Andrew Hadjikakou, PACCAR Australia operations manager Tom Cooper, PACCAR Australia operations project manager Graeme Clementson, along with PACCAR Australia employees Cherrie Stringer, Erwin Tromp, Bernie Mathiasz, Tan Nguyen, Nina Miloro and Justyn Palmer.
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