Re:act 2018 Road Safety Initiative

The Re:act program was developed by Hard Edge in collaboration with Swinburne University of Technology. Each year design students are given a creative brief that challenges them to raise awareness of a road safety issue and change behaviour among their age group (18-25 year old audience).

Now in its third year, Re:act has raised awareness and behavioural change around such issues as the safe use of mobile phones in vehicles and the risks of drink driving the morning after alcohol. This year, the Re:act program has focused on the safe interaction of young road users with trucks.

Re:act is supported by a number of leading industry partners including the Australian Trucking Association (ATA), National Road Safety Partnership Program (NRSPP), Rail Projects Victoria, Transport Accident Commission (TAC), Swinburne University Of Technology and Mr Smith.

The developed campaign, ‘Don’t Truck Around’, used colloquial and bold language to draw in the audience and create a meaningful and retainable message. In particular, the campaign intended to highlight the importance of recognising a truck’s blind spots, the time trucks need to stop and turn, and to humanise truck drivers.

Some of this year’s participants from Swinburne University were interviewed about the journey they’ve been on with Re:act 2018, and how it’s shifted their attitudes and behaviour towards trucks and truck drivers… here’s what they learn’t.

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